Emotional Disturbance for teachers

Effective Teaching Strategies

*Display appropriate authority.
*Explain class goals on 1st day and routine to be followed.
*Discuss goals often with each student, develop a contract of what student must do to achieve goal, relate goals to the group goals.
*Keep simple class rules, set as few as possible to obtain order.
*Clearly explain consequences of not following the rules, or regulations and the rewards for following them as well.
*Allow students to be involved in the consequences process, post in the room or allow them to take part in making them.
*Demonstrate consistency in enforcing rules and providing feedback.

School Interventions

*Positive school climate, cultural sensitivty.
*High levels of parent and community involvement.
*Strong feelings of identification and involvement on the part of students
*Establish common rules and expectations for all studetns in all school settings (e.g., classroom hallways, cafeteria, etc.)
*Teach these rules and expectations to all students.
*Positively reinforce students who follow the rules and meet these expectations
*High level of supervision in all school settings.
*Provide more intensive levels of support to meet the behavioral, social, and academic needs of students who are not responding to the school wide intervention efforts
*Train and inform all school staff members about:
     *general methods used to resolve conflict
     *standard procedures to follow (e.g., emergency plans/procedures)
     *contents of every behavioral intervention plan
*Make plans for:
     *teacher buddy systems
     *responding to the sounds of gunshots, hostage crisis, and all clear signs

Behavior Management Plan (BMP)

Components of BMP
1. Behavior to be Changed
     *List each inappropriate behavior that needs to be changed
2. Natural Consequences
     *Briefly describe the natural consequence that occur as a result of his/her inappropriate behavior
3. Appropriate Behavior
     *List the behavior/s you expect to see instead of the inappropriate ones
4. Reinforcement
     *Describe the things or activities that will reinforce the student for this appropriate behavior
5. Prevention
*Describe strategies or changes in the environment that you feel will help prevent the inappropriate behavior
6. Planned Consequences:
     *Specifically list any planned consequences (physical restraint, time out, ignoring, etc.) used when inappropriate behavior occurs.

Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)

What is FBA?
*FBA is a process that looks for explanations of the purpose behind the behavior in order to plan more successful interventions.

5 Steps/Components of FBA:
1. Describing the behavior
2. Collecting information on when the behavior occurs and does not occur
3. Observations
4. Developing hypotheses
5. Testing hypotheses

Accommodations & Modifications

*Help the student organize a notebook or folder for your class.
*Allow student to use an aganeda to keep track of schedules, class assignments, and activities.
*Establish structure and schedules for your class and be consistent.
*Allow students to have frequent breaks.
*Allow student to work in a small group setting.
*Identify a "cooling off" area for the student to use when they become angry or frustrated.
*Allow student extra time to complete assignments.
*Allow the student to use word processors or computers to comlete their written work.
*Establish and maintain eye contact for all oral directions.
*Provide positive peer support for student.
*Allow the student to tape record class lectures or access a copy of peer's notes after the lecture.
*Allow the student to underline the keywords in the directions before beginning the task.
*Provide optional work areas that have less distraction.
*Use a variety of visual and auditory teaching techniques including an overhead projector, computer, or tape recorder.
*Use close proximity to assist the student in focusing on directions and staying seated.
*Catch the student being good and/or doing the right thing, giving immediate praise or rewards.